OG WhatsApp

OG WhatsApp Download APK (Official) Latest Version March 2024 | Anti-Ban


OG WhatsApp Download is one of this century’s most popular and rapidly developing apps. After obtaining our smartphones, we installed this app as our first. OG Whatsapp is a version of the original Whatsapp that has been updated with some of the newest features to provide a user-friendly and safe experience. You may say that the OG Whatsapp APK is trustworthy and gives its consumers no cost.

OG WhatsApp Download

Furthermore, it has sophisticated security and privacy measures and is created by third-party developers. The user can manage their privacy issues, such as who can see their profile photographs, conversation history, and status updates, by downloading and installing this APK software. Users can trust this software more because of these extra privacy measures.

OG WhatsApp 
image size 65 MB

Additionally, the creators of the original WhatsApp APK have included a function that allows users to remove messages that have already been deleted. How wonderful is that? Moreover, you can use this amazing program to conceal your online status.

OG WhatsApp Download APK Files Details :

App Name OG WhatsApp
Software Category App
App Size 65 MB
VersionLatest Version
Last Updated1 Hour Ago
Android Version100 Million +
Andriod Version5.1 and Above
New Version20.82.03 & 27.30
Rating4.5 +
Download Free
GB WhatsApp Download

OG WhatsApp APK

Whatsapp Plus, OG WhatsApp, FM WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp, Aero WhatsApp, and other versions are distinguished from one another by their user-friendly features and clear uncluttered design. As everyone is aware, Whatsapp lacks certain sophisticated features that users need. Because of this, in addition to the fundamental functions that the original Whatsapp lacks, the OG Whatsapp APK is built with some of the newest features. Additionally, this software has a ton of helpful features that have been implemented without raising any security or privacy issues.

Some Important Things to Know About OG Whatsapp

The Official Whatsapp version with the newest features and enhanced security and usability for users is known as OG Whatsapp APK. It is important that the app was generated by another company rather than the primary WhatsApp developers is essential. Although it has not been designed by the official makers, it is secure and risk-free to be utilized. As a result, it won’t ever infringe upon your privacy.

Thus, you won’t have any trouble installing or using it. It’s also crucial to remember that you should always utilize your secondary Whatsapp account for informal conversations and your personal life.

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Features of OGWhatsapp APK

Pre-Built-Message scheduler

One of the most remarkable characteristics that OG WhatsApp APK has included is this one. You can set your texts to be emailed at a specific time. This choice comes in great when you remember to message friends, and family, or just to start a conversation with a friend. The communication will be sent routinely to the chosen user at the time you have set with this already provided message scheduler. Without your intervention, OG WhatsApp will deliver the message to that particular contact in this manner.

In addition, if you want to take advantage of this option, a strong and secure wireless network is needed. So, make use of this function and maintain relationships with friends and family without interfering with your work life.

Anti-Ban Version

Customers who run altered versions of WhatsApp may face the painful consequence of having their accounts removed from the official WhatsApp platform. However, since its creators have fixed the problem, you can avoid being blocked by downloading the most recent update to OG WhatsApp. Because of this functionality, using the app is now totally secure and private.

Rooted Status-Download Feature

Other than this amazing tool, you may post your status updates in addition to conversing with friends and exchanging photos. By posting your tales and updates on life with relatives, we may improve your bond with them. Additionally, the user can download tales and status updates shared by friends and family that aren’t accessible through the regular WhatsApp app.

Make a call to non-added contacts.

You must add the phone number before making a call or receiving a message using the official WhatsApp. However, Using OG WhatsApp isn’t possible since you can call or send a message to someone who isn’t on your contact list.

Set Group names of more than 35 characters

One of the finest features of Official WhatsApp that we enjoyed was group chat. We enjoy spending long hours in groups conversing with our friends and family without finding any issues. However, it’s shocking to note that while creating the group name, OG Whatsapp allowed us to use more characters than the allotted 25, which is 35. Therefore, you are free to use up to 35 characters for any amusing or intriguing organization name.

Block your particular contact’s calls.

Yes, if a contact keeps contacting you and bothering you, you may ban them from calling by using this great software. You can benefit from this feature by simply banning their calls rather than the entire contact. You may accomplish this by simply going into settings and disabling a certain contact’s call reception feature.

Send more than 90 images.

The ability to share as many as 90 photographs at once, which was not available with the official WhatsApp, is another excellent aspect of this program. So, take advantage of this very useful OG WhatsApp function.

Anti-Delete Messages

When turning on this feature, you can view the Removed messages. We won’t have to ask people what they deleted the next time a communication gets deleted. You can observe what other people have deleted and determine their actions.

Anti-Delete Status

We can see your friends’ WhatsApp statuses in this APK file version. You may now surprise your friends by replying to every status, even if it gets removed after a day. One of your Android phone’s best security capabilities is this one.

Password Protected

The ability to set a username and password for an individual conversation is a really useful feature. This feature was absent from the original WhatsApp. One of the advanced features of OG WhatsApp that is absent from the official WhatsApp edition is this. With this anti-ban package for WhatsApp, you may keep your conversations private from other users.

Colourful Themes

More than a thousand personalized themes are offered. Installing the most recent OGWhatsApp APK on your cell phone and choosing a theme that fits your OGWhatsApp home screen is an option if you’re sick of the boring themes offered by the official WhatsApp software.

Hide Online Status

This one is one of the newest capabilities that OG WhatsApp offers for private use. You can hide your WhatsApp existence status to ensure that nobody finds out when you use OG WhatsApp on your Android phone.

Calling Unsaved Numbers

Anybody’s cellphone number can be called or sent a message without being added to your contacts list. Using this feature, many people save time before a call. In this manner, you can call designated contacts without saving their phone number or receiving calls from them.

Status Downloader

You cannot download your contacts’ public status updates from the official WhatsApp app without using a third-party status generator. Thanks to this functionality, you can download status without an external status downloader. Users cannot download updated status to their phone using the proper WhatsApp app.

Increased Characters For Written Status

This patch allows us to add elaborate articulations or up to 250-word crafted status updates. You can now use your WhatsApp account’s status to say something about yourself.

Updating your status on the official WhatsApp website account is not permitted. Thanks to the OG WhatsApp app, you can express yourself through status updates without anyone stopping you.


OG WhatsApp adds attributes, like emoticons, to your WhatsApp conversations to make them more interesting. Numerous emojis have been created that are suitable for various situations. To demonstrate your genuine regret for your conduct, you may, for instance, send someone upset with you a sorry emoji. Consequently, this wonderful feature helps you overcome the problems you face every day.

Block-specific contact Number.

Using the OG WhatsApp Mod version, you can ban the contacts that annoy you if you’re annoyed by calls and get disturbed when using other apps. This is one of the newest services added to the free texting app.

Inbuilt WhatsApp Locker

One benefit of this capability is using a WhatsApp locker to lock your entire app. No one can read your private chats and conversations without your permission if you download OGWhatsApp to your phone. If you choose this option, you can secure your communications using privacy controls.

Copy anyone’s status.

The official WhatsApp developers have not included this feature, but if you download OGWhatsApp, you can use it on your Android-powered device. You have the option to duplicate your contacts’ statuses. With this method, you won’t have to type the whole state by hand.

Dual Accounts

Many people find it tricky to use multiple accounts on different phones. You can use two accounts with this mod. This feature keeps all your controls in one place and simplifies account switching. You can use this version of the official WhatsApp account to call people on your Android phone, both audio and video.

How to Install OG WhatsApp APK

Use the steps listed below to download and set up OG WhatsApp on your smartphone or tablet with Android:

  • Select the button to download the file from the box that appears to be over to acquire the latest and most current edition.
  • Find the OG WhatsApp APK file on the device’s applications file.
  • Launch it on the Android platform in the same manner as an additional app.
  • Register your contact information and choose displayed pictures for your user profile to finish the setup process.
  • You’re done. SavourYou can install this moderator and the regular WhatsApp versions if you want to use multiple accounts. The enhanced and updated version of WhatsApp.

OG WhatsApp APK File Information

The following requirements must be satisfied for the user to access and download the OG WhatsApp APK onto their Android phone; otherwise, the user will not be able to do so.

  • Smartphones with Android 5.0 or higher.
  • The OG WhatsApp APK installation requires that you allow unknown sources to access.
  • Both rooted and unrooted Android smartphones can be used.

Some Important Things to Know About OG Whatsapp

The following OGWhatsApp features will add appeal and customization to your experience:

  • You can use two WhatsApp accounts on your Android smartphone.
  • You can alter the unread message counter’s colour and backdrop within the chat window.
  • To customize contacts, provide distinct font colours to the name, unread message, and status.
  • Include both an indoor and outdoor photo in the conversation.
  • To restrict who can call you, use the call blocker feature.
  • Simple customization tools allow you to display or hide status.
  • A fingerprint lock now controls reading discussions.
  • Boost the confidentiality of broadcasts, groups, and connections.
  • You can simultaneously send up to 100 pictures to each contact.
  • Easily set a background picture.
  • Make a message for your status.

Download OG WhatsApp APK Here

We have nothing to worry about anyone accessing or deactivating the account you created if you use and download this APK. Everything is very safe. Privacy is the main factor driving this mode’s user base’s appeal. It gives us control over whatever other people can and cannot see, including the option to conceal the audio notes recording tag, receive and read our messages ticks, and whether or not we use WhatsApp.


Is it safe to download OGWhatsApp?

Information safety is a top priority in the architecture and development of OG WhatsApp. Use of it is 100% secure, like any other software on your gadget.

Is it possible to uninstall OGWhatsApp whenever I want?

Yes, you can uninstall the program similarly to how you would for any other by going to the Applications Manager on your iPhone.

Will I have to enable permission in order to install the device?

To permit unknown source app downloads, navigate to Applications > Settings on your smartphone, and then turn on the ‘Unknown Sources’ option.

How can I upgrade the original WhatsApp?

To see the most latest version of OG WhatsApp, visit our website frequently.

Final Words

We hope that this post’s OG WhatsApp APK download worked for you. They advise you to get it through the company’s web page in case you run into issues with it. It is unquestionably yet another amazing version of the WhatsApp Mod to use. We haven’t experienced any issues with this program in the lengthy period we’ve been using it. You will receive frequent updates from the developer with improved functionality and fixes to bugs.

A fantastic tool that gives the original WhatsApp a ton of new and exciting features is OG WhatsApp APK. The genuine version of WhatsApp is not OG WhatsApp. Since it offers customers a better experience and an infinite number of unlocked features, it has been considered to be superior. Install from the official website as this Apk isn’t available on Google Play.